This deft combination comedy-melodrama tells the story of Terry O'Toole, a spirited son of the Emerald Isle who departs his hometown and his proud papa and heads of to America to seek his fortune. Terry quickly finds himself in the small midwestern town of Loteda, where he settles in at Mrs. Murphys rooming house and secures work as the motorman of a trolley operated by the Loteda Traction Company. He befriends and then saves the life of the sweet young son of the company president. Then he falls in love with the company presidents equally lovable daughter. Most telling of all is the unlikely role he comes to play in a bitter dispute over who will get to control the company. This battle is raging between the president and his less-than-honorable vice president. The film contains many hilarious comic set pieces. Perhaps the funniest tells what happens when Terry, garbed only in his underwear, is accidentally locked out of his room. To avoid being seen by his fellow boarders, he promptly and ever-so-cleverly masquerades as a chair! At the same time the finale, which involves a high-speed motor chase and deadly fire, is nothing short of rousing.
Studio: Warner Brothers.
Director: Charles and Frank Hines.
Adapted (Screenplay) by unknown, not listed.
Starring: Johnny Hines.
Running Time: 74 minutes.
(not available online)
Czekhoslovakian TV-Drama.
Studio: Ceskoslovenska televizia Bratislava, Hlavna redakcia literarno dramatickeho vysielania uvadza (CSSR - Slovakia).
Director: Peter Mikulik.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Milan Lasica, Julius Satinsky.
Starring: Milan Lasica, Magda Vasaryova, Julius Satinsky and others.
Running Time: 62 minutes.
Studio: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM).
Director: Richard Brooks, produced by: Jack Cummings.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Julius J. Epstein, Phillip G. Epstein (based on original F. Scott Fitzgerald screenplay "Cosmopolitan").
Starring: Elizabeth Taylor, Van Johnson, Walter Pidgeon.
Running Time: 116 minutes.
Sincere 80's story about successful drama authors returning to his homeland-Australia to reunite with his wife and daughter.
Studio: Boulevard Films.
Director: Pino Amenta.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Frank Howson.
Starring: John Waters, Penelope Stewart, Nicki Paull, Kim Gyngell, Ross Thompson, Kevin Miles, Helen McDonald, William Ten Eyck, Andrew McFarlane, Jacinta Stapleton, Jess Harnell, Elizabeth Lamers, James Lee Stanley, Peter Lindsay, Ian Catchlove, Jon Concannon, Scott Lucy, Anita Rasa, Ron Pinnell, Jeremy Kewley, Paige Livingston, Carrie Zivetz, Lance Strauss, Bill Stacey, Kurt von Schneider, Sally-Ann Read, John Smith, Ian McFadyen, John Samaha.
Running Time: 94 minutes.
TV production.
Studio: PBS (American Short Story Collection) - Learning in Focus, William Dern Associates.
Director: Joan Micklin Silver.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Joan Micklin Silver .
Starring: Shelley Duvall, Veronica Cartwright, Bud Cort.
Running Time: 49 minutes.
Indie film; the story develops at Czech province in early 80's.
Studio: Ceska Televize, Negativ, Reininger Production (Czech Republic).
Director: Sasa Gedeon.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Indianske Leto.
Starring: Tatiana Vilhelmova, Klara Issova, Robert Stepanek.
Running Time: 65 minutes.
All actors are white, the charlestone is danced.
Studio: CBS Television Network "Suspense" TV-show (December 8, 1953, season 6, episode 11).
Director: Robert Mulligan.
Adapted (Screenplay) by James P. Cavanagh.
Starring: John Baragrey, Katharine Bard, June Walker, Sallie Gracie, Elizabeth York, G. Albert Smith, William Smithers.
Running Time: 30 minutes (with three blocks of commercials).
Dexter tells Judy about his love remembering his past, then kisses her telling that it is just a dream and leaves her. The performance is great
Studio: CBS Television Network "Playhouse 90" TV-show (May 23, 1957, season 1, episode 34).
Director: John Frankenheimer.
Adapted (Screenplay) by James P. Cavanagh.
Starring: John Cassavetes, Dana Wynter, Darryl Hickman and others.
Running Time: 73 minutes (without commercials).
Studio: NBC, Four Star Productions, "The Dick Powell Theater" TV-show (December 18, 1962, season 2, episode 12).
Director: Jeffrey Hayden.
Adapted (Screenplay) by James Poe.
Starring: Rip Torn, Dana Andrews, Vera Miles; the production is announced by David Nieven (Gatsby in 1949 adaptation).
Running Time: 50 minutes (without commercials).
TV movie, two stories: Scott and Zelda's love story, and the second - Sally short-story adaptation.
Studio: ABC, Titus Productions.
Director: George Schaefer.
Adapted (Screenplay) by James Costigan.
Starring: Susan Sarandon, Richard Chamberlain, Veronica Catwright.
Running Time: 94 minutes.
TV movie.
Studio: PBS, American Playhouse production.
Director: Neal Miller.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Ilene Cooper.
Starring: Sean Young, Lenny Von Dohlen, Barnard Hughes.
Running Time: 80 minutes.
TV movie; Doc Braun from "Back to the Future" is Pat Hobby. This is a part of Hollywood Mini-series Tales from the Hollywood Hills. Series includes:
1987 - (1) Pat Hobby Teamed with Genius, (2) Natica Jackson (Michelle Pfeiffer, - story by John O'Hara), (3) A Table at Ciro's (story by Budd Schulberg); 2 and 3 series were later united to form the "Power, Passion and Murder" video-release.
1988 - (1) The Old Reliable (P. G. Wodehouse story), (2) Golden Land (Leslie Hope, W. Faulkner's story), (3) Closed Set (Rita Moreno).
Studio: PBS, Tales from the Hollywood Hills TV-show, KCET, Zenith Entertainment.
Director: Rob Thompson.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Rob Thompson.
Starring: Christopher Lloyd, Colin Firth, Joseph Campanella.
Running Time: 55 minutes.
(not available online)
Slovac TV drama.
Studio: Slovenska televizia Bratislava, Hlavna redakcia literarno dramatickeho vysielania uvadza (CSSR - Slovakia).
Director: Lubomir Vajdicka.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Lubomir Vajdicka.
Starring: Martin Huba, Zdena Studenkova, Michal Docolomansky.
Running Time: 32 minutes.
(not available online)
German Movie, 1990's set for the story.
Studio: Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), Claussen & Wobke Filmproduktion GmbH.
Director: Rainer Kaufmann.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Kathrin Richter, Ralf Hertwig.
Starring: Richy Muller, Maria Schrader, Peter Lohmeyer.
Running Time: 79 minutes.
American TV movie; it has even it's personal web-page in 2000's.
Studio: PBS Pictures, American Storytellers.
Director: Elise Robertson.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Elise Robertson.
Starring: Jason Cole, Kristina Robbins.
Running Time: 30 minutes.
Well, nearly three hours of this Oscar-winning fantasy. But I really don't know if Scott Fitzgerald ever heard of Russian Murmansk town. Here's the screenplay for this movie.
Studio: Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, The Kennedy/Marshall Company.
Director: David Fincher.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Eric Roth, Robin Swicord; screenplay is easily available onlain.
Starring: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton.
Running Time: 166 minutes.
Some radical fantasy of Australian director. Close to original plot, but set in 2000's (sex, drugs and a little violence). Indie movie, so to say
Studio: Accent Film, Ontological Pictures (Австралия).
Director: Richard Wolstencroft.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Richard Wolstencroft.
Starring: Daniel Armstrong, John Brumpton, Brian Canham.
Running Time: 95 minutes.
The director of this actually a cameraman; set in 1980's.
Studio: independant movie.
Director: Yves Goustard.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Yves Goustard.
Starring: Dale Tarter, Diane Lander.
Running Time: 22 minutes.
Lisa Cuddy is actually not from Princeton Plainsboro. Don't tell Dr. House unless he'll be very upset.
Studio: Native Pictures, Finite Films and TV.
Director: Antony Easton.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Hugh Burns, Antony Easton.
Starring: Lisa Edelstein and James Le Gros.
Running Time: 16 minutes.
Welcome to Rarotonga, of Cook Islands. Ardita is here, and tropics are, too.
Studio: Film Raso, Marabon Pictures and Stone vs. Stone (Cook Islands).
Director: Eric Heimbold.
Adapted (Screenplay) by Robert Stone, Webster Stone.
Starring: Joyana Meyer, Alex Teariki Olah, Tua Pittman.
Running Time: 30 minutes.
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